

秦玉明,19633月出生。復(fù)旦大學(xué)應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)、偏微分方程方向理學(xué)博士,巴西國家科技部科學(xué)計(jì)算實(shí)驗(yàn)室博士后,東華大學(xué)非線性科學(xué)研究所所長,數(shù)學(xué)系主任,數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)科負(fù)責(zé)人,數(shù)學(xué)一級博士點(diǎn)開點(diǎn)負(fù)責(zé)人,“數(shù)學(xué)與應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)”專業(yè)國家一流本科負(fù)責(zé)人。現(xiàn)任四個國際期刊的編委,美國《Mathematical Reviews》特約評論員,國家自然科學(xué)基金委、國家留學(xué)基金委項(xiàng)目通訊評議專家,中國數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會理事,中國數(shù)學(xué)會學(xué)術(shù)交流委員會員,中國工業(yè)與應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會理事,上海市工業(yè)與應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會理事、學(xué)術(shù)委員會委員,上海市非線性科學(xué)學(xué)會常務(wù)理事,上海市學(xué)位委員會第五屆數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)科評議組成員,2018-2020年、2022年和2023年上海市自然科學(xué)獎數(shù)理(力)組評審專家。主要研究成果:在Navier-Stokes 方程、 Navier-Stokes-Voight方程、MHD方程、 輻射流體、Prandtl方程和熱(粘)彈方程組等模型的適定性及整體(一致、拉回)吸引子的存在性和連續(xù)性理論與應(yīng)用方面,取得了突出成績,成果發(fā)表在國際一流數(shù)學(xué)期刊《Arch.Ration.Meth.Anal.》、《Math.Meth.Model.Appl.Sci.》、《J.Differential Equations》等期刊上及由Springer、法國EDP Sciences和科學(xué)出版社出版的10部學(xué)術(shù)專著中。


1、  非線性發(fā)展型偏微分方程

2、  無窮維動力系統(tǒng)


1、  2015年“非線性發(fā)展方程整體適定性和吸引子的研究”項(xiàng)目獲上海市自然科學(xué)獎二等獎(排名第一)

2、  2015年獲“東華大學(xué)第十五屆我心目中的好老師”榮譽(yù)稱號

3、  2010年獲得第三屆東華大學(xué)校長獎

4、  2004年獲得河南省杰出青年科學(xué)基金

5、  2004年獲“河南省優(yōu)秀回國人員”榮譽(yù)稱號并獲得成就獎

6、  2003年獲河南省優(yōu)秀論文一等獎一項(xiàng),二等獎五項(xiàng);獲河南省教育廳優(yōu)秀科研成果獎多項(xiàng)

7、  2003年入選“河南省555”人才工程







4、Prandtl 方程邊界層理論相關(guān)問題研究(2022.01-2022.12),中央高??蒲谢穑?span lang="EN-US">2232022G-13),主持人,已結(jié)題。


6、非線性發(fā)展方程的整體適定性及其精確能控性(2020.01-2020.12)中央高??蒲谢穑?span lang="EN-US">2232020G-13),主持人,已結(jié)題。




1.     Yuming Qin, Xiaolei Dong, Alain Mirranville and Ke Wang, Strong global attractors for a three dimensional nonclassical diffusion equation with memory, Asymptotic Analysis, Doi:org/10.48550/arXiv.2303.17828 .

2.     Yuming Qin, Bin Yang and Alain Mirranville, Existence and regularity of global attractors for a Kirchhoff wave equation with a strong damping and a memory, 2023, Nonli. Analy. RWA, 79 (2024), 104096, DOI:org/10.1016/j.nonrwa.2024.104096.

3.     Xiaoying Han, Yuming Qin and Wenlong Sun, Stability of a one-dimensional full viscous quantum hydrodynamic system, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 23(3)(2024), 404-431.

4.     Junchen Liu, Xiuqing Wang and Yuming Qin, A blow-up criterion for the compressible nematic liquid crystal flows in three dimensionsMath. Meth. Appl. Sci., DOI: 10.1002/mma.9742.

5.     Jianing Xu, Shaohua Chen, Ming Mei and Yuming Qin, Unipolar Euler-Poisson equations with time-dependent damping, Commun. Math. Sci., 22(1)(2023), 181-214.

6.     Yuming Qin, J.E. Munoz Rivera and To Fu Ma, Smooth dynamics of a Timoshenko system with hybrid dissipation, Asymp. Anal., 131(1) (2023): 109-123., DOI:10.3233/ASY-221768 .

7.     Yuming Qin and Qitao Cai, Upper semicontinuity of pullback attractors for nonclassical diffusion equations with delay, Asymptotic Anal.,131 (2023) 273296 273, DOI: 10.3233/ASY-221782.

8.     Yuming Qin, Jiale Chen and Huite Jiang, A New Existence Theorem for Global Attractors and its Application to a Non-Classical Diffusion Equation, Chin. Quart. J. of Math, ,38(3)(2023), 276289.

9.     Yuming Qin and Xiaoyue Han, Quasi-Stability and Upper Semicontinuity for Coupled Wave Equations with Fractional Damping, Appl. Math. Optim, DOI: 10.1007/s00245-023-10072-8.

10.  Yuming Qin, Hongli Wang and Bin Yang, Fractal dimension of global attractors for a Kirchhoff wave equation with a strong damping and a memory term, Asymptotic Anal., DOI: 10.3233/ASY-231881.

11.  Yuming Qin and Bin Yang, Existence and regularity of pullback attractors for a non-autonomous diffusion equation with delay and nonlocal diffusion in time-dependent spaces, Appl. Math. Optim., 88(1)(2023), DOI: 10.1007/s00245-023-09981-5.

12.  Yuming Qin and Xiaolei Dong, Local existence of solutions to 2D Prandtl equations ina weighted Sobolev space, Anal. Math. Phys., 12(1)(2022), 1-26.

13.  Xiaolei Dong and Yuming Qin, Strong pullback attractors for a nonclassical diffusion, Disc. Cont.Dyn. Syst.-B, 27(11)(2022), 6217-6231.

14.  Xiaolei Dong and Yuming Qin, Finite fractal dimension of pullback attractors for a nonclassical diffusion equation, AIMS Mathematics, 7(5)(2022), 8064-8079.

15.  Yuming Qin and Bin Yang, Existence and regularity of time-dependent attractors forthe non-autonomous nonclassical diffusion equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh A, 152(6)(2021), 1533-1550.

16.  Yuming Qin, Xiaolei Dong and Xin Liu, Global existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions for one-dimensional infrarelativistic model of a compressible viscous gas with radiation, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., (2021), DOI:10.1002/mma.7760.

17.  Yuming Qin and Zhuang Li, Exponential stability in a Timoshenko system of type III, Appl. Anal., 101(17)(2021), 6303-6320, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2021.1921158.

18.  18.Xiuqing Wang and Yuming Qin, Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes-Voight equation with a

19.  memory and the Brinkman-Forchheimer damping term, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 44(3)(2021), 2277-2293.

20.  Yuming Qin and Xiuqing Wang, Upper semicontinuity of trajectory attractors for 3D  incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 84(1)(2021), 1-18.

21.  Yuming Qin, Jianlin Zhang, Yang Wang and Xing Su, Global existence, uniqueness andexponential stability of solutions for the one-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations withcapillarity, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 58(2021),1-32.

22.  Yuming Qin and Gaofeng Lv, Global existence and uniqueness of solutions to the initial boundary value problem of 3D Navier-Stokes equations with Cattaneo law, Appl. Math. Lett., 103 (2020), 1-8.

23.  Xiuqing Wang, Yuming Qin and Alain Miranville, Approximation of the trajectory attractor of the 3D smectic-A liquid crystal flow equations, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 19(7)(2020), 3805-3827.

24.  Yuming Qin and Xu Pan, Global existence, asymptotic behavior and uniform attractors for a non-autonomous Timoshenko system of thermoelasticity of type III with a time-varying delay, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 484(1)(2020), 1-31.

25.  Dongbing Zha, Weimin Peng and Yuming Qin, Global existence and asymptotic behavior for some multidimensional quasilinear hyperbolic systems, J.Differential Equations, 269(11) (2020), 9297-9309.

26.  Yuming Qin and Xiangqi Zheng, Stochastic equations and ergodicity for two-typecontinuous-state branching processes with immigration inLévy random environments, Math.Meth.Appl.Sci.,43(15)(2020), 8363-8378.

27.  Yuming Qin and Ye Sheng, Global existence, asymptotic behavior and uniform attractor for a non-autonomous Timoshenko system of type III with weak damping, Asymptotic Anal., 125(1-2)(2020), 133-157.


1、Yuming Qin and Jianlin Zhang, Global Well-posedness for Some Fluid Models, 科學(xué)出版社和法國EDP Science出版社, ISBN9782759829057, 20231.

2、Yuming, 1D Radiative Fluid and Liquid Crystal Equations, 科學(xué)出版社和法國EDP Science出版社, ISBN: 9782759829033, 202210.

3、Yuming Qin and Keqin Su, Attractors for Nonlinear Autonomous Systems, 科學(xué)出版社和法國EDP Sciences 出版社, ISBN9782759827022, 20227.

4、Yuming Qin, Wellposedness and asymptotic behavior for compressible flows in one-dimension, Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids,Y. Giga and A. Novotny edited, Vol.3, Chapter 42, 2325-2420, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, 978-3-319-13343-0, 2018.

5、Yuming Qin, Analytic Inequalities and Their Applications in PDEs, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 978-3-319-00830-1, 2017.

6、Yuming Qin, Integral and Discrete Inequalities and Their Applications, I, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 978-3-319-33300-7, 2016.

7、Yuming Qin, Integral and Discrete Inequalities and Their Applications, II, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 978-3-319-33303-8, 2016.

8、Yuming Qin and Zhiyong Ma, Global Well-posedness and Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions to Non-classical Thermo(visco)elastic Models, Springer Science+Business Media Singapore, 978-981-10-1713-1, 2016.

9、Yuming Qin, Xin Liu and Taige Wang, Global Existence and Uniqueness of Nonlinear Evolutionary Fluid Equations, Springer Basel, 978-3-0348-0593-3, 2015.

10、Yuming Qin and Lan Huang, Global Well-posedness of Nonlinear Parabolic-Hyperbolic Coupled Systems, Springer Basel AG, 978-3-0348-0279-6, 2012.

11、Yuming Qin, Nonlinear Parabolic-Hyperbolic Coupled Systems and Their Attractors, Birkhauser Verlag AG/Springer Science+ Business Media, 978-3-7643-8813-3, 2008.


1、    美國數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會《Mathematical Reviews》特約評論員

2、    國家自然科學(xué)基金委員會項(xiàng)目通訊評議專家

3、    國家留學(xué)基金委員會項(xiàng)目通訊評議專家

4、    中國數(shù)學(xué)會第十四屆理事會理事、學(xué)術(shù)委員會委員

5、    中國工業(yè)與應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會理事、宣傳委員會委員

6、    上海市工業(yè)與應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會理事、學(xué)術(shù)委員會委員

7、    上海市非線性科學(xué)研究會常務(wù)理事

8、    上海市學(xué)位委員會第五屆數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)科評議組成員

9、    2018年、2019年、2020年、2022年和2023年上海市自然科學(xué)獎數(shù)力(理)評審組專家

10、 東華大學(xué)第九屆學(xué)位評定委員會委員


1.  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences》,2014-今,刊號:0170-4214.

2.  AIM-Mathematics》,2015-今,刊號:2473-6988.

3.  Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences》,2012-今,刊號:2319-6939.

4.   Mathematical Problems in Engineering Metrics, 2023.

5. 《紡織高?;A(chǔ)科學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)》,2015-今,刊號:1006-8341.


1. 先后受邀學(xué)術(shù)訪問美國、德國、捷克、巴西、意大利、香港、臺灣等國家和地區(qū)的多個大學(xué)和研究所,并作學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告。

2. 與美國、法國、德國、加拿大、巴西、臺灣等國家和地區(qū)的大學(xué)教授進(jìn)行科研合作。

3. 受邀在德國、巴西等國舉辦的國際會議上作學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告。

4. 2004年以來,組織8次國際學(xué)術(shù)會議和多次國內(nèi)學(xué)術(shù)會議,邀請美國、法國、德國、加拿大、捷克、意大利、西班牙、巴西、香港、臺灣等國家及地區(qū)的學(xué)者來校作學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告200余場。包括在東華大學(xué)組織以下學(xué)術(shù)會議

(1)2007 International Conference on Nonlinear PDEs and Their Application

(2)參與上海交大組織2008組織“International conference on Conservation Laws and Kinetic Equations

(3)2009  Workshop on Applied Analysis

(4)2010  International Conference on Applied Analysis”,有來自美、法、德、意、日本、捷克、中國香港、中國臺灣等國家和地區(qū)的50多所高校和研究所的(含多名中科院院士、法國科學(xué)院院士在內(nèi)的)150余人參加本次大會。

(5)2013 “上海市非線性科學(xué)研究會學(xué)術(shù)年會



(8)與復(fù)旦大學(xué)聯(lián)合組織2014The 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences And Applications”。



(11)2020 International Video-workshop on Differential Equations,邀請巴西Jaime E. Munoz-Rivera教授、To Fu Ma教授、Jaqueline Godoy esquita 教授和Marcio Antonio Jorge da Silva教授作學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告。

(12)2020 International Video-workshop on Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems,邀請英國 Sergey Zelik (University of Surrey)教授、法國 Alain Miranville (Universiy of Poitiers)教授、Morgan Pierre (University of Poitiers)教授、美國Xiaoying Han (Auburn University)教授、意大利Maurizio Grasselli (Politecnico di Milano)教授、西班牙教授 Tomas Caraballo ( University of Sevilla)教授、美國教授 Roberto Triggiani (University of Memphis)  Irena Lasiecka (University of Memphis)教授。

(13)2020 International Video-workshop on Partial Differential Equations線上學(xué)術(shù)會議,邀請德國 Reinhard Racke (Universit?t Konstanz)教授、 Ingo Witt (University of G?ttingen)教授、Michael Reissig (Technische Universit?t)教授和 Christian P. J?h (Rostock University) 教授作線上學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告。

(14)2023東華大學(xué)天元吸引子高級研討班”(2023DHU Tian Yuan Advanced Seminar)國際會議,邀請國內(nèi)外學(xué)者38人在線作學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告,通過蔻享學(xué)術(shù)平臺全球直博,由來自全球的近4000人次,聆聽了學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告,擴(kuò)大了東華大學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)科在國內(nèi)外的學(xué)術(shù)影響。邀請以下國內(nèi)外專家郭柏靈院士、呂克寧、Maurizio Graselli、Sergey ZelikAlain Miranville、Tomas Caraballo、To Fu Ma、鐘承奎、高洪俊、李用聲、王曉明、楊啟貴、孫春友、吳昊、李德生、黃建華、李揚(yáng)榮、楊志堅(jiān)、王業(yè)娟、楊美華、馬巧珍、尤波、王偉、王榮年、謝永欽、孟鳳娟、趙才地、岳高成、江杰、姜金平、盧松松、李曉軍、黃代文、劉文軍、呂廣迎、王明、汪永海、楊彬等38人。




(18)組織海外知名教授系列學(xué)術(shù)講座,邀請了Irena Lasiecka(美國)、Roberto Triggiani(美國)、Alain Miranville(法國)、Michael Reissi(德國)、To Fu Ma(巴西)、梅茗(加拿大)、辛周平(香港)、段金橋(美國)、呂克寧(美國)、劉壯一(美國)、彭躍軍(法國)、Sergey Zelik (英國)、Anna  Kostianko(英國)、Olivier Glass(法國)、Hermano Frid(巴西)、潘榮華(美國)、 Edward  Feireisl(捷克)、Jean-Pierre Puel(法國)等作學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告。



聯(lián)系電話:021-67874272                      E-MAILyuming@dhu.edu.cn



