

       羅艷,女,19736月生,工學博士,化學工程與技術一級學科點研究生導師?!稏|華大學學報(英文版)》編委會委員、上海市經(jīng)信委清潔生產(chǎn)推進辦公室評審專家、中國紡織工程學會高級會員。Textile Research Journal、Journal of Engineered Fibers and FabricsJournal of applied polymer science 、《紡織學報》等期刊審稿人。主編十三五部委級規(guī)劃教材1部,發(fā)表相關領域SCI/EI/ CPCI-S /CSCD文章28篇,授權國家發(fā)明專利18項,轉(zhuǎn)讓及許可發(fā)明專利4項。


1.  精細化學品制備及應用

2.  微膠囊技術

3.  綠色整理技術及工藝


1.  2021年度東華大學教學改革探索獎

2.  2020-2021年度東華大學院級“優(yōu)秀黨務工作者”

3.  2020年度中國紡織工業(yè)聯(lián)合會科技進步二等獎(8/10

4.  2019年度東華大學優(yōu)秀育人獎

5.  2019年度東華大學共產(chǎn)黨員先鋒崗

6.   2019年度中國紡織聯(lián)合會教學成果三等獎

7.  2012年度河南省教育廳科技成果二等獎(10/10

8.   2007-2008年度上海市教育系統(tǒng)三八紅旗手

9.   2008年度上海市第二屆青年科技創(chuàng)新人才

10. 2006年度桑麻紡織科技一等獎(1/1

11. 2006年度上海市青年科技啟明星


1、   主持完成:(1)國家科技支撐計劃項目高效環(huán)保染色新技術2007.07-2009.12);(2)國家青年科學基金項目:基于非助劑增溶的分散染料微膠囊條件配色控制釋放機理研究2009.01-2011.12);(3)上海市科委青年科技啟明星人才培養(yǎng)計劃項目:分散染料微膠囊清潔染色及機理研究2006.09-2008.09);(4)上海市科促會,上海市教育成果基金會聯(lián)盟計劃項目:微膠囊無助劑免水洗清潔染色技術(2007.01-2008.06);(5)中央高?;究蒲袠I(yè)務費專項資金資助項目:基于天然染料為母體的染料開發(fā)與應用2010.01-2010.12);(6)中央高?;究蒲袠I(yè)務費專項資金資助項目:茜素類天然染料化學改性及其稀土摻雜溶膠凝膠非媒染色2011.01-2011.12);(7)中央高?;究蒲袠I(yè)務費專項資金(追加)科研計劃項目低碳排生物質(zhì)紡織資源開發(fā)及利用2011.10-2013.10)。

2、   主持多項校企合作項目,包括但不僅限于如下:醫(yī)用PET打印膠片的抗靜電涂層及多功能合成紙研發(fā)2013.6-3016.12);清新芳香家居服開發(fā)研究2012.9-2017.08);提高天然染料色牢度2015.1-2017.12);河道水體污染成因及防控措施研究2019.1-2020.12);環(huán)保型超輕抗菌鞋材的研制2021.1-2021.12);用于母線排之耐高溫阻燃絕緣膠的研制開發(fā)2023.08-2025.08



1. Kaihong Zhang, Zijun Wang, Yan Luo*. One-component epoxy resin adhesive featured with  high storage stability based on microencapsulation[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2024, 683: 133045

2. Keneng Xu, Yan Luo*. Packaging ink microcapsules with high stability and biocompatibility based on natural dye gardenia blue [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023,658,130778

3. Jingjing He, Yan Luo*. Novel carboxylate comb-like dispersant used in disperse dyes [J]. Journal of applied polymer science. 2022; e52147. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.5214

4. Jialei Huang, Jingjing He, Keneng Xu, Yali Xiang, Yan Luo*. Diclofenac degradation by activating peroxydisulfate va well?dispersed GO/Cu2O nano?composite [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-18789-97

5. Jialei Huang and Yan Luo*. Diclofenac degradation based on shape-controlled cuprous oxide nanoparticles prepared by using ionic liquid [J]. Water Science & Technology, 2021, 84(8), 1930 doi: 10.2166/wst.2021.369

6. Mohmadarslan Kutubuddin Sadannavar1, Yan Luo*. Jialei Huang, Chuanzhi Cao, Chunying Fan, Rana Zafar Abbas Manj & Atta ur Rehman Khan. Antibacterial cotton functionalized with olive oil for developing medical textiles [J]. Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research 2021, 46: 303-310

7. Chuanzhi Cao, Min Xiao, Yan Luo*. Preparation and Characterization of Imidazolyl Ionic Liquid-Based Shear Thickening Dispersion System [J]. Journal of applied polymer science. 2021, 138(4), 49719

8. Dong Ni, Yan Luo*. Polyamine microcapsules featured with high storage stability used for one-component epoxy adhesive [J]. Journal of applied polymer science. 2021, 138(15), 50183.

9. Chunying Fan, Hongli Ana, Juan Du, Yan Luo*. High-performance Printable Paper-like Composites Derived from Plastic Flexible Film Wastes [J]. Polymer international, 2020, 69184-191.

10. Ming Huang, Yan Luo*, Yi Zhong, Min Xiao, Jiancan Hu, Preparation and Characterization of Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials with Binary Cores and Poly (allyl methacrylate) (PALMA) Shells Used for Thermo - regulated Fibers, Thermochimica Acta, 2017 (655): 262-268

11. Feiyu Chen, Mengsu Liu, Juan Du, Yan Luo*, Preparation and properties of novel asymmetric Gemini alkyl polyglycosides, Tenside surfactants detergents, 2017, (1): 71-79

12. Dangdang Cheng, Yifan Zan, Juan Du, Yan Luo*, Recycling of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene waste used for preparing high performance synthetic, Journal of applied polymer science, 2016,133(43) : 44159

13. Lili Hu, Ming Huang, Yi Zhong, Yan Luo*, Preparation of magnetic poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) microspheres with controllable particle size based on composite emulsion and their drug loading performance, Journal of applied polymer science, 2016, 133(16): 43317(1-8)

14. Yong-Gan, Liu, Yan Luo*, Yao Lu, A concise synthesis of azoxystrobin using a Suzuki cross-coupling reaction, Journal of Chemical Research, 2015, 39(10): 586-589

15. Hengdi Zhang, Fan Sun, Yi Zhong, Yan Luo*, Preparation of magnetic PLGA microspheres featuring monodispersity and controllable particle size using a microchannel device, Polymer international, 2015, 64 (10):1425-1432

16. Liu P, Zhong Y, Luo Y*, Preparation of PLGA magnetic microspheres with a T-shaped microchannel method, Key engineering materials, 2014, 609-610: 425-429

17. Peng Liu, Yi Zhong, Yan Luo*, Preparation of monodisperse biodegradable magnetic microspheres using a novel T-shaped microchannel reactor, Materials letters, 2014, 117: 37-40


1. 汪嬌寧, 羅艷. 應用化學專業(yè)實驗教程[M]. 東華大學出版社,2019


1.   羅艷,倪棟. 一種潛伏性多聚胺環(huán)氧樹脂固化劑微膠囊及其制備和應用. 專利號: ZL 202010101009.7

2.  羅艷,劉蒙穌,杜鵑,胡筱,程心怡,崔桂新,許增慧,朱俊偉.一種鳳眼蓮多糖制備烷基多苷的方法. 專利號: ZL 2017 10571630.8

3.  羅艷,何文卿,杜鵑,程黨黨,王文良,季玉秋. 一種基于超高分子量聚乙烯制備合成紙的方法. 專利號: ZL 2014 1 0058230.3

4.  羅艷,于萍,許嘉怡,沈發(fā)偉. 一種基于水葫蘆天然表面活性劑物質(zhì)的提取方法,ZL 201310072115.7

5.  羅艷,于萍,張婧,周曉雅,徐園園,周依娜,唐秀珍. 一種基于鳳眼蓮的天然染料提取方法,ZL 2012 1 0316354.8

6.  羅艷,張艷,李嫻,陳水林,一種多孔淀粉小蠹蟲引誘劑緩釋丸粒制劑的制備方法, ZL 200710048057.9

7.  羅艷,徐小茗,杜鵑,鐘毅,一種超細纖維合成皮革微膠囊分散染料染色工藝,ZL 2007 1 0048049.4

8.  羅艷,陳水林,吳明華,吳偉龍,耐溶劑型物理發(fā)泡微膠囊制備方法,ZL 2004 10052921.9

9.  羅艷,呂學坤,吳偉龍,陳水林,彩色物理發(fā)泡微膠囊和制備方法,ZL 2004 100529


1.  中國紡織工程學會高級會員











