

    劉艷彪,男,198212月生,博士/博導、研究員。研究方向主要集中于廢水處理與能源化領域。近年來在高效光催化電極材料制備、光/電催化降解有機污染物、光催化燃料電池和電活性濾膜技術環(huán)境應用等領域開展了系統(tǒng)性研究,取得了一系列研究成果。以第一/通訊作者發(fā)表SCI論文28(包括Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Applied Catalysis B, Chemistry of Materials, Nano ResearchChemical Communications等環(huán)境、材料和化學領域的著名期刊),第一/通訊作者SCI論文影響因子總和>135,獲得發(fā)明專利授權3項;此外,參與發(fā)表有關論文/專著17篇,上述成果總被引1800余次,單篇被引超過100SCI論文6篇,H指數(shù)24。先后獲得上海市優(yōu)博和青年博士生杰出人才獎學金等獎勵。多次受邀參加國際重要學術會議,并做邀請報告和口頭報告10余次。









1、東華大學高端引進人才啟動經(jīng)費, 2017/01-2019/12, 150萬元,進行中,主持。

2、新加坡國立大學-通用電氣公司聯(lián)合研究課題, Development of Ceramic-based Electrochemical Graphene Filter for Oil & Gas Wastewater Treatment,2014/09-2016/0820萬新加坡元(相當于100萬元人民幣),已結題,共同主持。



1、Yanbiao Liu*, Yuying Zheng, Bowen Du, Ricca Rahman Nasaruddin,Tiankai Chen, Jianping Xie*, Golden carbon nanotube membrane for continuous flow catalysis, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (IF=2.843), 56 (2017), 2999-3007. [Invited Paper to the special issue of I&EC Research 2017 Class of Influential Researchers; ACS Editors' Choice; Cover Article; Most Read Article]

2、 Jinguo Li, Qing Liu, Yanbiao Liu*, Jianping Xie*, Development of electro-active forward osmosis membranes towards phenolic compounds removal and salts rejection, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (IF=2.817), 3 (2017), 139-146.

3、Yanbiao Liu*Fang Li, Qin Xia, Jiawei Wu, Jianshe Liu, Mingzhi Huang, Jianping Xie*, Conductive 3D sponges for affordable and highly-efficient water purification, Nanoscale (IF=7.367), 10(2018), 4771-4778.  

4、Fang Li, Jiahui Huang, Qin Xia, Mengmeng Lou, Bo Yang, Qing Tian, Yanbiao Liu*, Direct contact membrane distillation for the treatment of industrial dyeing wastewater and characteristic pollutants, Separation and Purification Technology (IF=3.359), 195 (2018), 83-91.

5、Fang Li, Qin Xia, Yingying Gao, Qianxun Cheng, Lian Ding, Bo Yang, Qing Tian, Chunyan Ma, Wolfgang Sand, Yanbiao Liu*, Anaerobic biodegradation and decolorization of refractory acid dye by a forward osmosis membrane bioreactor, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (IF=2.817), 4 (2018), 272-280.

6、Chunshan Zhou, Chao Zhang, Di Tian, Ke Wang, Mingzhi Huang*, Yanbiao Liu*, A software sensor model based on hybrid fuzzy neural network for rapid estimation water quality in Guangzhou section of Pearl River, China, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (IF=1.425), 53 (2018), 91-98.

7、Yanbiao Liu*, Ling Yu, Choon Nam Ong, Jianping Xie*. Nitrogen doped graphene nanosheets as reactive water purification Membranes, Nano Research (IF=7.354), 9 (2016), 1983-1993. [Highlighted by Science Magazine China and EurekAlert! (AAAS)]

8、Yanbiao Liu*, Qiaofeng Yao, Xuejun Wu, Ying Ma, Choon Nam Ong, Jianping Xie*, Gold nanocluster sensitized TiO2 nanotube arrays for visible-light driven photoelectrocatalytic removal of antibiotic tetracycline, Nanoscale (IF=7.367), 8 (2016), 10145-10151.

9、 Nirmal Goswami, Fangxiong Lin, Yanbiao Liu*, David Tai Leong and Jianping Xie*, Highly luminescent thiolated gold nanoclusters impregnated in nanogel, Chemistry of Materials (IF=9.466), 28 (2016), 4009-4016.

10、Jingguo Li, Qing Liu, Xue Li, Yanbiao Liu*and Jianping Xie*, Template-assisted fabrication of thin-film composite forward osmosis membrane with controllable internal concentration polarization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (IF=2.843), 55 (2016), 5327-5334.

11、Yanbiao Liu, Choon Nam Ong, Jianping Xie*, Emerging nanotechnology for environmental applications (Editorial), Nanotechnology Reviews (IF=1.438), 5 (2016), 1-2.

12、Yanbiao Liu, Han Liu, Zhi Zhou, Tianren Wang, Choon Nam Ong, Chad David Vecitis*, Degradation of the common aqueous antibiotic tetracycline using a carbon nanotube electrochemical filter, Environmental Science & Technology (IF=6.198), 49 (2015), 7974-7980.

13、Yanbiao Liu, Jianping Xie, Choon Nam Ong, Chad D. Vecitis, Zhi Zhou*, Electrochemical wastewater treatment with carbon nanotube filters coupled with in situ generated H2O2, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (IF=2.817), 1 (2015), 769-778. [Recent Hot Article]

14、 Jingguo Li, Tingting Zhao, Tiankai Chen, Yanbiao Liu*, Choon Nam Ong, Jianping Xie*, Engineering noble metal nanomaterials for environmental applications, Nanoscale (IF=7.367), 7 (2015), 7502-7519. [Invited Feature Article]

15、 Ling Yu, Ying Ma, Choon Nam Ong, Jianping Xie, Yanbiao Liu*, Rapid adsorption removal of arsenate by hydrous cerium oxide-graphene composite, RSC Advances (IF=3.108), 5 (2015), 64983-64990.

16、Yanbiao Liu, Juen Hon Dustin Lee, Qing Xia, Ying Ma, Yang Yu, Lanry Yung, Jianping Xie, Choon Nam Ong, Chad Vecitis, Zhi Zhou,* Graphene-based electrochemical filter for water purification. Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=8.867),2 (2014) 16554-16562.

17、Yanbiao Liu, Baoxue Zhou,* Jinhua Li, et al., Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of refractory organic compounds enhanced by a photocatalytic fuel cell, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF=9.446), 111-112 (2012) 485-491.

18、Yanbiao Liu, Haibin Zhou, Baoxue Zhou,* et al., Highly stable CdS-modified short TiO2 nanotube array electrode for efficient visible-light hydrogen generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IF=3.582), 36 (2011) 167-174.

19、Yanbiao Liu, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou,* et al., A TiO2-nanotube-array-based photocatalytic fuel cell using refractory organic compounds as substrate for electricity generation, Chemical Communications, (IF=6.319), 47 (2011) 10314-10316. [Highlighted by Chemistry World, Youth Scientists, FuelCellsWorks, and Nanotechnology Now over 20 websites]

20、Yanbiao Liu, Baoxue Zhou,* Jinhua Li, et al, Efficient electricity production and simultaneously wastewater treatment via a high-performance photocatalytic fuel cell, Water Research (IF=6.942), 45 (2011) 3991-3998.


1、英文期刊The Open Chemical Engineering Journal編委;


3、SCI期刊Nanotechnology Reviews客座編輯;

4、美國化學學會、英國皇家化學學會和艾斯維爾出版社旗下系列國際知名期刊審稿人和仲裁評審專家(Journal of Membrane Science,Chemical Communications, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Applied Catalysis B)


1、新加坡國立大學,環(huán)境研究所,Ong Choon Nam教授和Xie Jianping教授課題組

2、美國,普渡大學,土木、環(huán)境與生態(tài)工程系,Zhi Zhou教授課題組

3、美國,哈佛大學,工程與應用科學系,Chad D. Vecitis教授課題組

聯(lián)系電話:021-67792519                                                                                E-MAILyanbiaoliu@dhu.edu.cn


