2004.09-2008.06 浙江大學高分子科學與工程系,工學學士
2009.09-2012.03 東華大學材料物理與化學系,工學碩士
2012.09-2015.06 復旦大學高分子科學系,理學博士(導師:胡建華教授,董安鋼教授)
2016.05-2017.03 美國西北大學材料系,訪學博士后(導師:黃嘉興教授)
2017.04-2018.05 美國東北大學工業(yè)工程系,博士后(導師:祝紅麗教授)
1.Yucong Jiao, Dandan Han, Yi Ding, Xianfeng Zhang, GuannanGuo, Jianhua Hu, Dong Yang,* Angang Dong,* “Fabrication of three-dimensionally interconnected nanoparticle superlattices and their Li-ion storage properties”, Nature Communications 2015, 6, 6420 (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7420). (IF=12.1)
2.Yucong Jiao, Dandan Han, Limin Liu, Li Ji, GuannanGuo, Jianhua Hu, Dong Yang, Angang Dong,* “Highly ordered mesoporous few-layer graphene frameworks enabled by Fe3O4 nanocrystal superlattices”, AngewandteChemie International Edition 2015, 54, 5727. (IF=11.9)(Cover paper)
3.Yucong Jiao, Alolika, Lei Yang, Ahmed M. Hafez, Hongli Zhu*; Ion Transport Nanotube Assembled with Vertically Aligned Metallic MoS2 for High Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries; Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1702779; (IF=22)(Cover paper)
4.Yucong Jiao; #Xiumei, Geng;# Yang, Han; #AlolikaMukhopadhyay, Lei Yang, Hongli Zhu*; Freestanding Metallic 1T MoS2 with Dual Ion Diffusion Paths as High Rate Anode for Sodium-ion Batteries; Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27, 1702998; (#co-first author) (IF=12.1)(Cover paper)
5.Yucong Jiao, Ahmed M. Hafez, Daxian Cao, AlolikaMukhopadhyay, Yi Ma, Hongli Zhu,* Metallic MoS2 for High Performance Energy Storage and Energy Conversion; Small 2018, just accepted; (IF=9.5)
6.Angang Dong,* Yucong Jiao, Delia Milliron, Electronically Coupled Nanocrystal Superlattice Films by In Situ Ligand Exchange at the Liquid-Air Interface, ACS Nano2013, 7, 10978. (IF=14)
7.Ahmed M Hafez, Yucong Jiao, Jianjian Shi, Yi Ma, Daxian Cao, Yuanyue Liu, Hongli Zhu,*Stable Metal Anode enabled by Porous Lithium Foam with Superior Ion Accessibility; Advanced Materials 2018, just accepted; (IF=22)
8.AlolikaMukhopadhyay, Yucong Jiao, KatahiraRui, Ciesielski, Peter, Himmel Michael, Hongli Zhu,* Heavy Metal-Free Tannin from Bark for Sustainable Energy Storage, Nano Letter 2017, 12, 7897. (IF=12)
1.一種高度有序納米顆粒超晶格材料的制備方法;CN 104163453A;授權(quán)日期:2015年8有26日;
3.一種高度有序介孔石墨烯材料的制備方法;CN104860306A; 授權(quán)日期:2017年4月5日。
Email:yucong.jiao@dhu.edu.cn; yucong.jiao@hotmail.com