儲玲玲博士,2012年畢業(yè)于中國科學院上海有機化學研究所,2013年至2016年在美國普林斯頓大學化學系從事博士后研究,2016年9月加入東華大學,任特聘研究員、博士生導師。儲玲玲在有機氟化學、過渡金屬催化等領域以第一作者和通訊作者在國際權威化學學術期刊如Acc. Chem. Res., Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 上發(fā)表論文24篇,8篇論文入選所在領域的高被引論文 (TOP 1%)。擔任中國化學會青年委員會委員、Science Bulletin 期刊青年編委。
1. 過渡金屬催化
2. 有機含氟功能材料
1. 2019年,國家自然科學獎二等獎(排名第二)
2. 十一屆上海市巾幗創(chuàng)新新秀獎及上海市三八紅旗手
3. 2017年,上海市自然科學獎一等獎(排名第二)
4. 2013年,中國科學院優(yōu)秀博士學位論文
5. 2012年,中國科學院優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生
6. 2011年,中國科學院院長獎學金
1. Zhu, C.; Yue, H.; Chu, L.*, Rueping, M.*, “Recent advances in photoredox and nickel dual- catalyzed cascade reactions: pushing the boundaries of complexity”, Chem. Sci.2020, 11, 4051-4064. (Invited review).
2. Li, H;# Guo, L.;# Feng, X.; Huo, L.; Zhu, S.; Chu, L.*, “Enantioselective Three-Component Fluoroalkylarylation of Unactivated Olefins Through Nickel-Catalyzed Cross-Electrophile Coupling”, Chem. Sci.2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01471K.
3. Song, F.;# Wang, F.;# Guo, L.; Feng, X.-L.; Zhang, Y.-Y.; Chu, L.*, “Visible-Light-Enabled Stereodivergent Synthesis of (E)- and (Z)-1,4-Dienes via Photoredox/Nickel Dual Catalysis”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59 (1), 177-181. (Hot Paper)
4. Guo, L.#; Tu, H.-Y. #; Zhu, S.; Chu, L.*, “Selective, Intermolecular Alkylarylation of Alkenes via Photoredox/Nickel Dual Catalysis”, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 4771-4776.
5. Zhu, S.; Qin, J.; Wang, F.; Li, H.; Chu, L.*, “Photoredox-catalyzed branch-selective pyridylation of alkenes for the expedient synthesis of Triprolidine”, Nat. Commun.2019, 10, 749.
6. Chen, D.; Xu, L.; Long, T.; Zhu, S.; Yang, J.; Chu, L.*, “Metal-free, intermolecular carbopyridylation of alkenes via visible-light-induced reductive radical coupling”, Chem. Sci.2018, 9, 9012-9017.
7. Guo, L.; Song, F.; Zhu, S.; Li, H.; Chu, L.*, “syn-Selective Alkylarylation of Terminal Alkynes via the Combination of Photoredox and Nickel Catalysis” Nat. Commun., 2018, 9, 4543.
8. Chu, L.; Lipshultz, J. M.; MacMillan, D. W. C.*, “Merging Photoredox and Nickel Catalysis: The Direct Synthesis of Ketones via the Decarboxylative Arylation of α-Oxo Acids”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2015, 54, 7929?7933 (Very Important Paper).
9. Chu, L.; Ohta, C.; Zuo, Z.; MacMillan, D. W. C.*, “Carboxylic Acids as A Traceless Activation Group for Conjugate Additions: A Three-Step Synthesis of (±)-Pregabalin”, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2014, 136, 10886?10889.
10. Chu, L.; Qing, F.-L.*, “Oxidative Trifluoromethylation and Trifluoromethylthiolation Reactions Using (Trifluoromethyl)trimethylsilane as A Nucleophilic CF3 Source”, Acc. Chem. Res. 2014, 47, 1513?1522.
聯(lián)系電話:021-67798660 E-MAIL:lingling.chu1@dhu.edu.cn